The Master Water Steward Certification program is coming to South East MN for training at Whitewater State Park (dates of the class are March 19 and April 6). Apply today and learn about specific water challenges in your area and how we can work as communities to solve challenges to water health. This is a great way to improve the work you do as a volunteer or professional and expand your knowledge as a local leader in your community.
Master Water Stewards is a program that certifies and supports community leaders to install stormwater pollution prevention projects in their neighborhood.
Steward candidates are sponsored by their local water management organization or municipality and attend classes with a cohort of other candidates in their region.
Stewards are certified by participating in a broad training curriculum led by experts in the fields of hydrology, stormwater management, water policy, community-based social marketing, landscape assessment, and installation of clean water practices. At the end of the certification process, all Stewards must complete a capstone project that captures rainfall and allows more water to soak into the ground and lead a community outreach event. Stewards then become a point of knowledge and influence in their communities.
Master Water Stewards are volunteering their time for watershed districts and environmental groups, participating in city and local government boards, influencing policy, and changing the health of our waters.
Find out how to apply here.